Student Life
Extra-curricular activities are privileges available to students who fulfill their academic and behavioural responsibilities at St. Pius X. All students at St. Pius X are encouraged to join clubs, groups, and/or teams.
Clubs & Activities
There are many activities in which students can participate at St. Pius X. Below is a partial list of non-athletic activities at the school.
Art Club - Students can work on group projects or personal studio work
ATC Committee - Plans dances for special needs students
SPX Black Student Association - Leadership, learning and planning events
Peer Helpers - Welcoming new students to the SPX family.
Tech Crew - Setting up audio/video for numerous school activities
SPX Writes - This site will host a variety of writing from students at St. Pius X
Student Council - Students elected by their peers.
In addition to the team sports, we offer an excellent lunchtime intramural program for all grade levels and abilities (this will hopefully start back up once covid protocols have changed).
From year to year, the teams that run may vary. Due to COVID limitations, some sports that do run may not look the same as they have in the past.
Schedules and Standings for inter-school play can be found at
Basketball - Junior Girls
Basketball - Senior Girls
Field Hockey - Girls
Football - Varsity Boys
Soccer - Junior Boys
Soccer - Senior Boys
X-Country Running
Hockey - Girls
Rugby 7's - Girls
Alpine Skiing
Basketball - Junior Boys
Basketball - Senior Boys
Curling - Boys
Curling - Girls
Hockey - Boys
Volleyball - Junior Girls
Volleyball - Senior Girls
Baseball - Boys
Rugby - Boys
Soccer - Varsity Girls
Touch Football - Girls
Track and Field
Volleyball - Junior Boys